Want a better financial life? Make habits around your money. Many of us want to lead a better financial life with less stress. Does that mean working 80 hours a week, never taking a vacation, or never buying anything nice for ourselves? As we start 2024, here are some tips to lead an improved financial […]
Category: Budget Tips for a Better Financial Future
Newlyweds: Don’t Let Financial Stress Take The Cake
There are so many things to think about when you are in a serious relationship and thinking about marriage or moving in together. No one would rate finances as the most exciting thing to think about, but studies show that money is the number one reason couples argue. And those financial arguments are a top […]
It’s A Money Thing: Boot Camp Emergency Fund
Emergency Fund Boot Camp It’s time to get your savings in shape—and having an emergency fund in place is a solid step toward a fit financial future. Fitting an emergency fund into your budget can be confusing, though. How much should you save, exactly? What kinds of situations should it be used for? How is […]
Have you thought about ALL of your budget items?
It’s great to make a budget. But one of the hardest things to do when initially starting out is just listing all the things, big and small, that we spend our money on. Sometimes we don’t even pay attention! See below for our American Southwest Credit Union starter budget list. Notice we start with savings […]
My Emergency Fund – A Personal Journey
Saving Wasn’t Easy I remember a time in my history when saving wasn’t easy. In fact, it was almost impossible. I wanted an emergency fund, but I literally didn’t have the money to even buy one cup of coffee a month, let alone go to the movie or out to dinner. But that emergency fund […]
Credit Cards and How They Affect Your Credit Score
There is a lot of hype about credit card rewards or low interest credit card that can entice you into purchases. If you choose to use a credit card, it is important to understand how having a credit card and using it can help and hurt your financial life. They come with a lot of […]
Zero-Dollar Budgeting
Many people have made a 2022 goal of trying to budget better and save for an emergency fund. It’s a difficult task for those of us who have a fear of not being able to buy what we want or have a fear of failing to live up to the challenge. For some, just the […]
Can a Budget App Help You?
Budgeting can be a challenge for a lot of us. We, as Americans, don’t save nearly as much as we should and with all of the gadgets available that connect us to the world, these gadgets increase the cost of living. For instance, could you live without your internet connection? Could you live without your […]
5 Small Bites for Big Financial Success
Is it time to polish your financial to-do list? We know financial tasks are not what people want to do after a busy day. It’s stressful and time consuming to say the least. But there are some small things you can do in 2022, that will make a big difference in your long-term financial success. […]
Combat The Financial Mistakes Of Our 20s And 30s
Early in their careers, people tend to focus on the here and now while ignoring the future. As you climb the ladder of success, you might think raises and promotions will never end and that you have forever to plan for the future. Surprisingly, though, the future comes faster than you can imagine. Here are […]
Should I Buy a Car or Keep the Old One
Automobiles are a constant drain on our resources but most people consider an auto a necessity, unless you live in a large metro area with a lot of public transportation options. As our cars get older, they require more maintenance and TLC which can put a drain on our pocket books. Then we start asking […]
Curbing the Impulse Buy
Have you ever come home from a needed shopping excursion only to find that you didn’t come home with the things you set out to buy? Or worse yet, you bought something that doesn’t fit within your stylistic comfort zone but on impulse, you bought it anyway? This is the case for a lot of […]
Planning and Budgeting for Single Parents
Smart money management is always important, but it can take on more urgency for those who are without a partner. Whether you’re divorced, widowed, or single by choice, single parenting brings unique budgeting challenges. Marilyn Timbers, a Connecticut-based financial advisor, says of having to raise a child on one income,”Children are a joy, but they […]
The Pink Tax
Several economic studies have confirmed the existence of a so-called “pink tax,” an inflated price attached to goods and services specifically marketed to women. While theories abound to explain the pricing discrepancy, its existence seems clear. On everything from razors and deodorant to car repair and haircuts, women are expected to pay more for products […]
Be More with Less
Be More with Less: Look around your home, your room and your life. How much useless stuff is crammed into every available corner and taking up your valuable space, time and money? More importantly, is any of it actually making you happy? Courtney Carver believes that our obsessive drive to acquire more stuff complicates our […]