Zero percent interest credit card offers are constantly being dropped in our mail boxes and email accounts. But they are not always the best way to assist you with your finances. People may think that using a zero-interest credit card to transfer other credit card balances onto, they are saving money. This may or may […]
Tag: credit cards
What You Need To Know About Chip-Enabled Cards
Are you a swiper or a dipper? Chances are, you have at least one EMV chip-enabled card in your wallet. EMV, which stands for Europay, Mastercard and Visa, and has been used for years throughout the world, was introduced in the U.S. about 18 months ago. The cards are also called smart cards, chip cards, […]
Changes In The Vantage Score System
Q: I’ve heard that the Vantage Score system is getting an overhaul. What kind of changes are being made and how will this affect the way my score is calculated? A: The Vantage Score, which dictates the way credit bureaus — Experian, TransUnion and Equifax — determine your credit score, is going through a shake-up […]
5 Ways to Avoid Credit Card Fraud
Keep your credit cards safe. Store your cards in a secure wallet or purse. After making a purchase, immediately return your card to that place. Don’t allow websites to “remember” your card number. Only let secure payment portals, like GooglePay and PayPal, remember your card number. An even better practice is to never check the […]