Social Media Influencers: Laws to combat deceptive ads

If you’re a social media influencer and accept material or monetary goods with the brand you are representing, you have a responsibility to tell your readers of this connection.  The Federal Trade Commission is doing everything it can to make sure social media influencers aren’t taking advantage of the public by running deceptive or misleading ads.  So when you have a financial, personal, family, friend, or employment relationship with a company, you must disclose that relationship to the public.

You also have an obligation to disclose the information in a location that it would not be missed by the general public.  For instance, you can’t put the disclosure statement in size 1 font at the bottom of the page and you can’t embed it under layers.  For best practices, go the the Federal Trade Commission’s website.  There are 4 booklets and a video set up just for social influencers to learn how stay within the law.  For more information, go to:

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