Changing for the better!
I have always believed organizations are either going forward or going backward, there is no such thing as status quo. I also very much believe in listening to our members. In my two plus years with American Southwest Credit Union, what I have heard most from our members is the need to improve our online services. I want you to know we’ve listened. Last year we upgraded our online and mobile banking. In April of this year, we are completely overhauling those same products again. We did both because we believed it was in the best interest of our members.
With this change, you’ll be better able to manage your financial lives. It will allow you to create savings goals and see where and how you are spending your money. It will allow to see your credit scores and have card controls all within one platform. Card controls offer the ability to check balances on credit and debit cards, view transactions, lock/unlock the card, etc.) Online and mobile banking will look and function exactly the same. If you are a business owner, it will give you a true business banking platform for the first time in ASCU history.
I’ve also heard how much our members appreciate personal service. With the new digital banking, you will have the option to have video banking so you can have the same personal service from your phone as you experience by coming into one of our branches. We think this will be a true game changer and allow us to give you faster and safer service.
At the heart of American Southwest Credit Union is the belief of being the financial “Co-Op You Can Bank On”. We are a not-for-profit. The profits we make are invested back into the organization for our members benefit. We could have stayed the same, but that would have meant we were actually going backward. All the staff as ASCU believes the new products and services are a huge step forward. We all believe this new digital banking platform will be as good or better than the large national banks offer. With our shared branching affiliation, we have the ability to offer branch services all across the country with more combined branches than any of those national banks too. We want to give you everything you want and need in a financial institution and we do this while still being 100% local, which is our “secret sauce.”
Whether you live in Sierra Vista, Benson, Douglas, Green Valley, and soon to be Thatcher, you can still walk into any office and deal with someone who can help you on the spot. We live local, we give local, we volunterr local, and we care about you, our member.
Thank you for being a member of American Southwest Credit Union and we hope you are as excited about American Southwest’s progress as we are. Everything we are doing is change for the better for you.