Our lobbies (except the Ft. Huachuca Branch) are open for regular business hours!

For a complete list of branch locations and hours, visit 

The Ft. Huachuca Branch has limited hours of 11 AM – 4 PM.

If your city requires face masks to be worn, please help slow the spread of COVID-19 by wearing them in the lobby.  We continue to limit the number of people who can enter the lobby at one time.  Our team will assist with foot traffic control at the front entrance.  Please observe the 6 foot distancing recommendation both in the lobby and while in line.  We are continuing our disinfecting efforts throughout the workday in order to protect everyone as much as possible.  Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Effective Thursday May 14th.  Branch Hours and Protocol Update:  

Friday May 15th 10 AM – 3 PM (Except Ft. Huachuca Branch)

Saturday May 16th (Drive Throughs Only) 9 AM – 1 PM


May 18th – May 31st  ALL lobbies will be open (Except Ft. Huachuca Branch)

Monday – Friday 10 AM – 3 PM

Saturday (main branch only) 9 AM – 1 PM

Beginning June 1st, we will resume regular business hours.

For a complete list of branch locations and hours, visit 

We continue to limit the number of people who can enter the lobby at one time.  Our team will assist with foot traffic control at the front entrance.  Please observe the 6 foot distancing recommendation both in the lobby and while in line.  We are continuing our disinfecting efforts throughout the workday in order to protect everyone as much as possible.  Thank you for your patience and cooperation.


Effective Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The first COVID-19 case has been identified in Cochise County and as a result, we have no choice but to close our lobbies.  The following branches that have drive through capabilities will remain open only through the drive through or by appointment:

  • The Main Branch, Sierra Vista
  • The Douglas Branch
  • The Benson Branch
  • The Sahuarita Branch

 The Fort Huachuca Branch will be closed and all members on Post will be asked to utilize the Main Branch.

We will continue to offer all services through our drive through areas as well as through online, mobile and phone access.  All other services not available through these areas and technology may be available by appointment on a case-by-case basis.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

March 20, 2020

Effective Monday, March 23, 2020, the Main Branch located at 3090 E Fry Blvd, will be limiting members to no more than 10 at a time.  The Main Branch is the busiest branch for ASCU and the decision to do this at this time helps provide safer spacing for everyone who visits and works in the Main Branch lobby.  An employee will greet you at the door and allow you to enter in order to control the lobby population.  Please be patient as we move to this stage of social distancing in an effort to comply with health guidelines and keep our lobbies open for as long as possible.

Thank you!

March 19, 2020

Good morning!  We are here and ready to serve you during these challenging times.  There is mounting pressure for all financial institutions to close their lobbies.  We have not made that decision yet, but may be forced to depending on health agency and political pressure.  Yes, political pressure.  To date, no ASCU employee has had COVID-19 symptoms.  When they have cold or flu symptoms, we are sending them home and requiring them to see a doctor and not come back until they are symptom free as a precautionary action.  We recognize that we are in a service business where our members expect access to their finances – both currency and loans.  Therefore, we are doing everything in our power to stay open.  What can you do to help?  Please take advantage of our convenient mobile and home banking services along with our free ATMs.  If you have cold or flu symptoms, please avoid coming into our branches.  There is a lot we can help you with before you feel you have to come in, so discuss all options with our capable staff and they will do everything in their toolkit to help you from a distance.  You will be surprised what we can help you do from a distance.  Taking these precautions will help us stay open as long as we can barring any external mandate.  Thanks again for your patience as we work together for everyone’s benefit.

March 18, 2020

American Southwest Credit Union wants to remind everyone to beware of scams involving COVID-19.  Scammers are out there trying to pass off fake assistance checks from the government and then asking people to pay a fee, in advance, to receive a bogus assistance check.  Never pay for a prize or for assistance.  You can bet it’s a scam if asked to do so.  Cyber criminals are already out there sending malicious emails with COVID-19 attachments designed to steal information off of your computer or to trick you into giving information out that you normally wouldn’t give, or try to trick you into visiting fraudulent websites.

Exercise caution when opening emails and avoid clicking on any links from anything unsolicited.  Use trusted sources for COVID-19 information such as information from the Center or Disease Control

Charity scams involving COVID-19 will be out there.  Exercise caution when donating to a charity by checking to see if the charity is a 501c3 organization before donating.  Do not use any of the information provided to you from the charity, but instead do your own homework by using the non-profit database associated with the IRS .

Do not reveal account information of any kind to anyone.  This includes (but is not limited to) financial information, information involving Medicare, Medicaid, or other health insurance, social security numbers, retirement fund account information, etc.  Anyone contacting you to “update” one of your accounts will not need this information.

Do not succumb to a sense of urgency imposed upon you by anyone.  Keep a cool head.  Take a few days to make any decision and consult with family and friends before proceeding.

March 18, 2020

In an effort to minimize staff congregation and outside exposure, the Main Office (north bldg.) lobby will be closed for the foreseeable future and will be on an appointment only basis.  The lobby traffic in this building mainly serves our members in person with Mortgage Lending, Commercial lending, Consumer Lending and Collections.  We would ask that all members needing to communicate with any employee in this area to please call 520-459-1860 and ask to be directed to the department or person in order to make an appointment.

At this time, the South Wing lobby on the Main Campus of ASCU is still open for teller and member services.  We would ask again to please consider minimizing exposure and do your part to fully utilize our technology to reduce the need to visit the office in person.

Please continue to log in to our website for the most current service updates.

Thanks again for your patience as we all work together to stop the spread of this virus.

March 13, 2020

The COVID-19 virus continues to be a focal point of concern.  Although our exposure in Southern Arizona has been minimal, American Southwest Credit Union is monitoring the situation as it develops.  The safety of our members and employees is always of the utmost importance.

You can count on ASCU to continue providing the service you have come to expect throughout this uncertain time.  We are committed to your personal and financial well-being.  We also want you to have confidence that you can bank virtually anywhere, anytime with ASCU Home Banking Services and the ASCU Mobile App.

If you haven’t already, please explore our options for Online Banking and Mobile Banking to access your account 24/7.

If you have not enrolled in online banking, please visit your nearest branch and speak to a Member Service Representative.

For additional information about COVID-19, visit the Center for Disease Control at

March 12, 2020

With the increasing buzz of Covid-19, myths about it have spread. At American Southwest Credit Union, we encourage people to get valid and up-to-date information from the Center for Disease Control at
The CDC has the latest updates on number of cases in the United States and resources for you and your family to stay safe.
The best preventative measures are those that have been in place for years for any virus:

  • Wash your hands often, and wash them for at least 40 seconds, with soap.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth, and face.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Keep your distance from people who are sick.
  • Use a tissue to cough or sneeze into and then throw it into the trash and wash your hands. If a tissue is not available, cough and/or sneeze into the bend of your elbow.
  • Clean high-touch surfaces often.  High touch surfaces include: door handles, counter-tops, bathroom vanities, kitchen and bathroom sink knobs, toilet-flush handles, car door handles, steering wheels, coffee pots, TV remote controls, and computer equipment including mouse and keyboards.

You can download a fact sheet from the CDC at:

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